Thursday, October 3, 2013

Be strong and courageous

Sometimes being strong means admitting you are weak.
Being courageous means admitting you are scared.

Anytime I'm in a night season or dark period of whatever you want to call it. My faith is wavering, my peace has left me. My soul is downcast . There is but one solution. Admitting that I need Jesus and I need to surrender to him.

With Jesus comes his spirit.
And where the SPIRIT is there is freedom, peace, joy, love unfailing and eternal glory.

I give up, I cry out and admit I need Jesus.
I surrender and all of heaven pours into me, out of the mouth of God comes his Spirit which fills me anew. 

The night season has passed, I wasn't a dictionary example of being strong or courageous. But in the kingdom you lean not on your own understanding, you don't run on your own energy. You are a son or daughter of the king. Your authority comes from him and your strength and courage are made perfect in him.

Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. (Job 13:15 NKJV)

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