Friday, December 12, 2014


I don't need to know where God is or what He is doing. He's with me, He's for me.

I wake up in the presence, God watched me all night, making sure I was safe.

He helped me get out of the grave I dug for myself.

He covered me in grace.

He bought me salvation, it's mine for the taking.

He calls me home.

Everyday is a opportunity to unite with him no matter where my mind and heart have been.

My soul is eternally longing for my God

Doing what I was created for, I love him in return.

Monday, March 31, 2014

God speaks

God speaks loudest in the middle of the storm.
He whispers in the day to day comings and goings.
But his power is made manifest in the weakness of humankind.
The trials seem great but it is God who is proven greater.
Peace in the middle of the storm, God holds the hand of each one of His children.